At Saras, our mission is to ensure that all the students are given an opportunity to reach their full potential. We are passionate about creating and encouraging tomorrow’s innovators and problem solvers and make high quality education available to all.

Why And How To Prepare Children For Jobs Of The Future?
The far-fetched advancement of automation aided by AI has been transforming the workplace dynamic faster than ever. With a plethora of new developments in technology, there is a massive shift in how we used to work, process and store information, and deliver consumer products.
The expertise level that used to be rewarding a decade ago is considered outdated today. Undoubtedly, the skills of today will be outdated in the upcoming years. The jobs that we consider priceless now are likely to be automated soon. There is no doubt that only people with skills that can not be replaced by automation will thrive in a technology-driven economy.
Current Scenario In The Workforce
Today, people are working in fields that we couldn't have dreamed of before. Some of these include -
- Social media management for companies.
- Website optimization for Google search engines.
- Packing and delivering day-to-day essentials at the doorstep.
- And many more.
People have started experiencing growth in these jobs for quite a few years. We could not have imagined people doing such jobs a decade ago. But now, they are providing a living to individuals.
And hence, it is clear that the workforce would transform even more when our children enter it. So it is vital that schools start teaching in a more dynamic manner to make the students "future-ready."
Here Are 7 Ways How We Can Prepare Children For Jobs Of The Future
1. Let students control their learning.
If the workforce is going to shift continuously, students will need to develop skills to learn independently. As parents and education systems, we can empower them to explore their needs and go after them. We can help them navigate and tailor their education to what works best for them. This will enable them to have a better hold on their field of learning and advancement.
2. Help students gain mastery in using new learning tools.
As time goes by, tools like Microsoft Office would be taken over by a range of other tools. With technology in place, more and more platforms are coming into existence, where students can study online and get things done. Giving the aid of tools such as digital learning, gamification, and the likes will serve the purpose.
3. Encourage students to be creative.
Creativity is much needed in a world where things and jobs are changing rapidly. We can help students develop this skill by motivating them to express their inner voice and imagination. It is increasing in demand as more problem-solving jobs are coming to the forefront. We can help students develop their creativity during classes and extracurricular activities.
4. Prepare communication-driven activities for students.
The value of innovative ideas and concepts is increasing around the world. But they need to be explained in a proper way to make an impact on others. Communication is key to bring out the new ideas cooking inside a student's genius brain. With social media taking a vast space in communication, face-to-face interactions are reducing. So we can bring opportunities for students to become powerful communicators in various types of communication.
5. Make global connections.
In today's time, digital communication gives wider access to connect with everyone around the world. It greatly benefits collaborating and working with people around the cities, states, and even countries. We can bring together students with different perspectives and experiences. Also, we can teach them how they can make those connections by themselves moving forward.
6. Motivate students to establish their own place.
As per many entrepreneurship experts, starting a new business is getting easier than before. People can begin with a field of their choice, create a platform to share their message with the masses, and have their own reputation. Students can use social media marketing tools to achieve those goals when they move ahead in their careers. We can aid them in getting a broader perspective of what all they can do to make a living. Their own inner voice will help them be the problem-solvers of tomorrow.
Closing Thoughts
As said above, digital learning has made it simpler for students to gain knowledge by attending classes and appearing for exams online. But they also need something extra that can give them an edge.
3D learning is the key to unlock their brainpower and engage them to the depth of each subject. To help students thrive and be the masterminds of future jobs, Saras-3D has launched Genius 3D Learning for students of 9th-12th Science, JEE, and NEET. They can learn by interacting with 3D models and much more. To register for a FREE 3D demo, click here.