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3D Technology Transforms Learning

3D Technology Transforms Learning

  • SARAS-3D
  • JUNE 03, 2024

Since 2020 the world has seen a significant upheaval in learning and global education. It has affected nearly 128 million school learners amplifying learning inequalities. The pandemic’s impact on education highlights an important fact: learning results from an individual’s improved performance due to inquiry engagement and participation.

While aging and learning go hand in hand learning is not a linear process and does not merely depend on the biological maturation of an individual's brain. The brain is continuously changing and adapting to the environment making learning a lifelong process (Marjan Laal 2011). Through these experiences the brain's plasticity facilitates the learning process (Cantor et al. 2018). As the shape of the brain changes the active process of learning takes place (Pernia-Espinoza et al. 2021). This is the basis of education. Therefore learning should occur in a more dynamic system where individuals can think act and participate effectively (Smith 2016). Conventional teaching methods rely on rote memorization to temporally achieve a superficial acquaintance of knowledge. We now know that rote memorization is ineffective because it fails to help students understand the underlying concepts of the topic and so students struggle to retain knowledge (Yehudit et al., 2003; Klemm, 2007).

Conceptual learning is activated through experience and real-world application. To achieve this, students are often asked to imagine an object in the teaching space. Though some students can depict 3D objects in their minds, this is not the case for all. To help all students visualize objects, it is imperative to create active environments that provide 3D visualization and interactions with the objects. These self-directed environments are constructive and cumulative to support the development of the brain through plasticity. Thus, visualization and interactions in learning increase pedagogical performance and uplift the students' learning results (Biggs, 1999; Yehudit et al., 2003).

In the past, there was a timid proliferation of technology in education. But now that students have more pressure to perform well academically, this expectancy has led to the widespread adoption of technology in the classrooms. The technology has not only emerged as a delivery mechanism for reading, writing, and calculating, but it has provided a virtual space for learning. Virtual spaces are 2D or 3D computer-generated environments that depict parts of the physical world or imaginary sceneries. It is now the cornerstone of the new way of learning with technology.

Why 3D?

Students learning with 3D vision significantly achieved better results (Amin et al., 2020; de Boer, 2016) than those working in 2D. That’s because there is a superficial engagement with the 2D visualizations with more superficial and passive knowledge transfer. Learning in 3D makes learning more lively, real, and meaningful as it involves spatial thinking that influences learning effectiveness (Gagnier et al. 2021). When the content can be explored interactively, it supports the growth of knowledge and profound understanding. Independent hands-on experience has a stronger impact on students' engagement (Chatterjee, 2015). It reduces certain degrees of abstraction through simulators and, thus, facilitates the understanding of complex knowledge. Moreover, it allows more significant involvement, motivation, and interdisciplinarity. When students use the physical models as a learning tool, they are more successful in learning the concept due to aided visual perception skills. Better understanding is associated with the students who hold physical models in their hands than they could accomplish merely from viewing images on a printed page (Romanek, 2008; Harris, 2009). Handling objects simplifies complex concepts and supports making abstract observations quickly, thus enabling students to develop their language where they can talk about new concepts (Chatterjee and Hannan, 2015). 3D learning breaks apart a complex topic into simpler pieces. It demonstrates each step tangibly, enabling students to be active investigators of their world, where they learn best by exploring and connecting to the world around them (Pekel et al. 2020). Object-based learning strengthens brain development because the sensory experience can lead to a more memorable learning experience. The handling of a 3D model can help with the theories of object-based learning, which involves the active integration of models into the learning environment (Hafeez et al., 2021). Hands-on learning represents a constructivist approach in which the students develop their knowledge and understanding through interaction. The student is responsible for their learning, which makes their learning important to them (Cridlin, 2007). Self-directed learning is the most important skill for developing young minds to become lifelong learners. Learning with Saras-3D provides complete immersive academics that facilitate an engaging learning experience. Knowledge is transferred not only through visualizations but also through a hands-on experience that allows the student to grab and hold the model as they alter, rotate, and explore. This enables participants to make decisions (communications, analyses, evaluations, revisions) that cannot be made as conveniently in any individual mode alone (Oti et al., 2021). Learning with 3D models can act as a personal learning pathway that can address gaps in knowledge, challenge students, and promote long-term memory retention.

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